Kia ora everyone, On Thursday, March 13th, the AGTA held it’s Annual General Meeting. At this meeting, a straw-vote was taken on two questions: Whether the work of the AGTA should continue Whether the AGTA should be dissolved. The vote to continue the work of the AGTA failed to pass, while the vote on whether to dissolve the AGTA passed unanimously. This therefore brings us to formally notify you, as a member of the AGTA, of a Special General Meeting, to be held on Thursday, 03rd April at 4.30 pm, via Zoom. The one agenda item at this Special General Meeting will be a vote on the same two questions which were voted on at the AGM: Whether the work of the AGTA should continue Whether the AGTA should be dissolved. It is a legal requirement, under Section 11 of our Revised Constitution, that we hold this vote as part of a Special General Meeting. If you would like to attend this meeting, you can find the link below. You do not need to register beforehand. Topic: AGTA Special General Meeting Time: Apr 3, 2025 04:30 PM Auckland, Wellington https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85270097771?pwd=c3kKR4CBMij89YwnzMGCeMQQJGZrp0.1 Meeting ID: 852 7009 7771 Passcode: 258946 The outcome of this meeting will determine the future of the AGTA. If two-thirds of members vote to dissolve the association, this will be the end of the Auckland Geography Teachers’ Association. It is a sad moment for this association, which has supported so many of us early in our teaching careers, to have to consider closing it. However, due to ongoing issues with trying to staff the leadership and work of the association, it is a reality we face. Ngā mihi, The AGTA Committee |