Please use this link to access all the examinations for 2024. For best results with viewing and editing download the exam to your device.
Due to the change in Level 1 standards, we have not written Level 1 exams.
However, our friends at the Board of Geography Teachers have, and you can access their Level 1 exams here. You will need an active membership with the BoGT to access these.
Thank you to everyone who wrote this year’s exams.
Our records show there is still a significant number of schools who are still owing their 2022 subs.
Any members who have not paid their 2022 subs have been unsubscribed from the AGTA Website.
If this has affected you please fill out your information here to subscribe to the AGTA for 2022. Anyone who had an overdue invoice has been resent them today.
If you have any questions please contact me
We hope you have had a restful break. The AGTA will be hosting its annual AGM in conjunction with a curriculum change hui on the 25th May 2022 at Alexandra Park in Auckland.
The AGTA Curriculum Change Hui provides the chance for discussion and professional learning to support and inspire Geography Teachers in advance of the incoming curriculum changes. This free event includes the following:
Dr Karen Fisher will explore Mātauranga Māori and Geography.
Dr Bronwyn Houliston and Eleanor Rattray will share their experiences of incorporating Geography in the Junior Social Studies classroom while navigating the Aotearoa NZ Histories and Social Studies Curriculum Refresh.
Mary Robinson (Kaiarahi) and Gill Hanna will provide insight into the future of teaching, learning and assessment in Geography.
This will be followed by the Auckland Geography Teachers Association AGM.
There will be opportunities for Q&A
This event is FREE and we welcome all Geography teachers to come along!
Our annual Auckland based Geography quiz has had a makeover this year. Instead, we would love your Geography students to participate in our online revision challenge using GooseChase!
This is free of charge and open to all Geography students (Years 11-13), who have a device.
What do your ākonga need to do? Complete FIVE different revision ‘missions’ by uploading a mixture or photos, diagrams, or revision tasks to the GooseChase app.
The GooseChase will go live on Friday 5th November @ 9am and close on Friday 19th November @ 3pm. Students can complete the missions from home or in school. What do you need to do? Encourage your Geography students to participate in this fun revision activity! Prize packs will be sent out to students via post/online. To join the online adventure, please register your students’ names here and share the ‘player instruction sheet’ with your Geography classes today (below).