Kia ora everyone,

On Thursday, March 13th, the AGTA held it’s Annual General Meeting. 
At this meeting, a straw-vote was taken on two questions: 

Whether the work of the AGTA should continue

Whether the AGTA should be dissolved.

The vote to continue the work of the AGTA failed to pass, while the vote on whether to dissolve the AGTA passed unanimously. 

This therefore brings us to formally notify you, as a member of the AGTA, of a Special General Meeting, to be held on Thursday, 03rd April at 4.30 pm, via Zoom. 

The one agenda item at this Special General Meeting will be a vote on the same two questions which were voted on at the AGM: 

Whether the work of the AGTA should continue

Whether the AGTA should be dissolved.

It is a legal requirement, under Section 11 of our Revised Constitution, that we hold this vote as part of a Special General Meeting. 

If you would like to attend this meeting, you can find the link below. You do not need to register beforehand. 

Topic: AGTA Special General Meeting
Time: Apr 3, 2025 04:30 PM Auckland, Wellington
Meeting ID: 852 7009 7771
Passcode: 258946

The outcome of this meeting will determine the future of the AGTA. If two-thirds of members vote to dissolve the association, this will be the end of the Auckland Geography Teachers’ Association. 

It is a sad moment for this association, which has supported so many of us early in our teaching careers, to have to consider closing it.

However, due to ongoing issues with trying to staff the leadership and work of the association, it is a reality we face. 

Ngā mihi, The AGTA Committee

The Origins of Geography Terms

The vocabulary we use to describe landforms and landscapes comes from languages around the world. It’s a prevalent example of how we rely upon the traditional ecological knowledge of peoples who know their lands best.

Here are some of the etymologies:

Alpine: From Latin Alpes “The Alps”
Archipelago: From Greek Arkhi Pélagos “chief sea” referring to the Aegean Sea
Atoll: From Dhivehi atholhu “palm of the hand”
Bayou: From Choctaw bayuk “small stream”
Billabong: From Wiradjuri bilabaŋ “watercourse that runs only after rain”
caldera: From Spanish caldera “cooking pot” referring to Las Cañadas caldera in the Canary Islands.
Cay: From Taíno cairi “island”
Cenote: From Yucatec Maya tsʼonot “accessible groundwater”
Drumlin: From Irish droimnín “littlest ridge”
Fjord: From Norwegian fjord “lake-like”
Geyser: From Icelandic Geysir “one who gushes”
Isthmus: From Greek isthmos “neck” referring to the Isthmus of Corinth
Jungle: From Sanskrit jaṅgala “arid”
Lagoon: From Venetian Laguna “lake” referring to the Venetian Lagoon
Mangrove: From Guaraní mangle “twisted tree”
Monadnock: From Abenaki Menonadenak “smooth mountain” referring to Mount Monadnock
Oasis: From Egyptian ouahe “dwelling place”
Savannah: From Taíno sabana “treeless plain”
Steppe: From Russian stepʹ “flat grassy plain”
Taiga: From Yakut tayga “untraversable forest”
Tundra: From Kildin Sami tūndâr “treeless plain”
Volcano: From Sicilian Vulcano, one of the Aeolian Islands

Map by Jordan Engel. As always, the Decolonial Atlas’ original media can be reused under the Decolonial Media License 0.1.

A contemporary Geographic Issue – Level 3

Schooling Sargeant Majors (striped fish, Abudefduf saxatilis) and Spottail Pinfish (Diplodus holbrooki) swarm a discarded shopping cart on the bottom of the Lake Worth Lagoon in Singer Island, FL.

A combination assessment for Level 3 students – this resource activity combines both 3.6 and 3.7. 

Check out the resources here:

Resource booklet

Assessment tasks


Assessment Schedule

These were originally written by Duncan Bond.  Duncan has given us permission today to distribute these to all NZ Geography Teachers.

We would like to thank Sam Fazio-Smith, Curriculum Leader Geography at St Margaret’s College who has provided her updated resources which are attached.

India states considering two-child policy and incentives for sterilisation

Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Gujarat have announced draft legislation which would see anyone with more than two children denied benefits and in some cases jobs.

Article from The Guardian just last month on this topic.

Should rivers have the same rights as people?

Around the world, activists are pushing to protect their rivers by giving them legal personhood. Is this just symbolism, or can it drive lasting environmental change? Read this article in the Guardian – it is an excellent resource and offers lots of discussion for your classroom.

Milk and Money

This six part is available for viewing on The True Cost of Dairy in Aotearoa.

News exploring the dairy industry’s impact on the community, economy and environment of Aotearoa, and considering what a sustainable future for the industry could look like.

Might be a great investigation or issue to look at in your classes.

The Power of Geography

Promoting geography in your school for 2022?

This is from the introduction to the book The Power of Geography by Tim Marshall (page viii). Might be useful to use some of this to help with your promotion of Geography – the most relevant and useful subject!

Read the book – it’s super interesting.

The other book by Tim Marshall – Prisoners of Geography is great reading too!

What is Mātauranga Māori

Mātauranga Māori is a modern term for the combined knowledge of Polynesian ancestors and the experiences of Māori living in the environment of Aotearoa. The term takes many forms, such as language (te reo), education (mātauranga), traditional environmental knowledge (taonga tuku iho, mātauranga o te taiao), traditional knowledge of cultural practice, such as healing and medicines (rongoā), fishing (hī ika) and cultivation (mahinga kai).

In a traditional sense, mātauranga Māori refers to the knowledge, comprehension or understanding of everything visible or invisible that exists within the universe.

How did mātauranga Māori develop?

Early Māori had a culture based on oral lore. Māori knowledge was passed on in this way from one generation to the next.

Early Māori culture was based on oral lore and had a justice system based on chiefs and tohunga (the knowledge experts). Such experts were chosen from an early age and educated within wānanga (learning institutions) to remember vast amounts of knowledge. The knowledge of the hapū (tribe) and iwi were entrusted to these experts, who would then pass their knowledge on to future experts. The way to memorise such a volume of complex material involved using a whakapapa (genealogical) framework. Whakapapa is used to explain genealogies and taxonomies, to create categories and families of flora and fauna and to describe environmental and life issues. The example below describes the whakapapa of different stones and their grouping:

From chaos sprang Papatūānuku, the Earth mother. Then Papa-matua-te-kore, the parentless, appeared. She mated with Rangi-a-Tamaku. Their firstborn was Putoto, whose sister was Parawhenuamea, the personified form of water. Putoto took his sister, Parawhenuamea, to wife. She gave birth to Rakahore, who mated with Hinekuku, the clay maiden. Hinekuku gave birth to Tuamatua. Tuamatua was the guardian of the different stones and gravel found on sea coasts. The younger brother of Tuamatua, Whatuaho, typified greywacke and chert. Next came Papakura, the origin of volcanic stone…

Retaining understanding in this way has enabled Māori knowledge to be passed on from one generation to another. This body of knowledge arises from the experiences of Māori living in the environment of Aotearoa. Many people have realised that mātauranga Māori contains potentially useful knowledge, for example, about utilising and preserving the environment.

Geography class: Inside the ‘Covid Triangle’: a catastrophe years in the making

Click to read the article below and then answer the questions:

Inside the ‘Covid Triangle’: a catastrophe years in the making

  1. Where is the ‘covid triangle’ and why were the odds stacked against the area when the disease struck? (Include reference to rates of child poverty, the informal economy, multigenerational households)
  2. Explain how government policies since the 1980s have contributed to economic and health inequalities.
  3. Explain how racial discrimination has contributed to higher covid cases in parts of London.


Teaching ideas and resources for the Geography teachers of New Zealand